Healing, Help, Hope
to Mar 15

Healing, Help, Hope

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As much as we try to cope with life circumstances, sometimes we need a little extra help. Our pastor(s) are experienced in sharing God’s healing Word in every situation. They are willing to offer assistance and/or recommend professional counseling if needed. Our church has short-term counseling services available at no cost to our members when referred by one of our pastors. The services are provided by Christian Family Solutions Counseling Care & Services. Contact the church office (608-372-2347) if you wish to schedule a time to meet with pastor about your needs.

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The Gift is God
to Dec 20

The Gift is God

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Start a new tradition this Christmas!

This Christmas, join us for a celebration filled with joy, peace, and the love of Jesus.

Experience a joy-filled service, beautiful music, and the warmth of a welcoming community.

You’re invited to unwrap the greatest gift this season—the hope we have in Christ!

Click the picture below to learn more!

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Advent Worship Series
to Dec 22

Advent Worship Series

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A parent says, “I want to give my kids a real Christmas.” What do you think that parent means? Perhaps they are thinking of trimming a freshly cut tree or finding the perfect presents or spending the holidays with extended family. Perhaps they are thinking about all those things. “Then it will be a real Christmas!” Certainly, all those are wonderful things. However, none of them are what makes Christmas real. The sad truth is Christmas is the most beloved holiday of so many, yet so few know what Christmas is really about. If you want a real Christmas, then you need to observe Advent. Advent is Latin for “coming.” In the season of Advent, Christians observe the connection between the first time the Son of God came into our world as the Savior and the second time he will come as the Judge. Advent prepares our minds and hearts, so that we might soon celebrate a real Christmas. Join us for the series: A Real Christmas.

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Share the Blessings
to Nov 28

Share the Blessings

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Share the Blessings: November 7 through Thanksgiving we will have a table set up in front of church to receive special Thanksgiving offerings. Please consider:

Neighbor to Neighbor food pantry (No food items) If you use a check to make a donation, please make it payable to St. Paul Church with Neighbor for Neighbor on the memo line and place it in the designated basket on the table.

Christian Aid Fund: The St. Paul Christian Aid Fund provides people in our community who have an immediate need with gas and food cards and other forms of short-term support. The Christian Aid Fund is also available to help members of the congregation when disaster strikes their home or family. Funding for Christian Aid is solely through generous congregational giving in the form of donations and door offerings.

WELS Lutheran Military Support Group (LMSG Ammo Can Donations):-Donations can be placed in an ammo can at the table up front. LMSG is a non-profit organization providing Christ-centered support to WELS/ELS military service members, veterans, and their families. Questions? Visit www.lutheranmilitary.org.


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Men of His Word Conference
7:15 AM07:15

Men of His Word Conference

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

2024 Men of His Word Conference – Built to Serve

This year’s theme is based off of Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers and sisters,

were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather,

serve one another humbly in love.

Do you ever wonder if you’re the right man for the job? I think I’ve spent most of

my life trying to figure out what I’m good at doing. We all want to be good at

something. Whether we realize it or not, God has given each of us the exact

abilities we need to do the work he has planned out for us. And, Galatians 5:13

reminds us that Christ has set us free so that we can use those abilities to serve

one another in love. Join us at Men of His Word to learn how you are Built to

Serve in all of the different vocations to which God has called you.

The 9th Annual MOHW Conference will be held at the Mayo Civic Center in

downtown Rochester, MN on Saturday, October 26th, 2024. Additional details

and online registration are available at www.menofhisword.org . The registration

fee is $75 for adults and $40 for youth – these rates increase to $90 and $50

respectively after October 20th

. Please join us for a day of worship, praise and fellowship in God’s Word!

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Trunk or Treat
2:00 PM14:00

Trunk or Treat

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

When: One week earlier than in the past-October 19, 2-4pm

Where: St. Paul parking lot

Who: St. Paul Church and School or affiliated families can sign up for a trunk. No dark, scary, or anti-religious themes (witches, ghosts, gore, skulls, sorcery, Ghostface, etc).

Contact: Jackie in the church office (j.menn@stpaultomah.org)or scan the QR code to sign up your trunk. Candy donations can be brought to the church office by October 15.

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Christian Education Sunday
9:15 AM09:15

Christian Education Sunday

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Christian Education Sunday will offer a special presentation for families called SHAPING RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR, October 6, 9:15 am .

This presentation is given by Aaron Shaper, professional counselor for Christian Family Solutions. In our current culture of blame-shifting and irresponsibility, it is especially important for parents to learn ways to shape responsible behavior in their children. This presentation will look at the benefits of responsible behavior, as well as specific examples and suggestions for parents to use as they shape responsibility through tasks, discipline, and service. There will be a time of fellowship between services in conjunction with this special event.

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150th Anniversary Celebration
8:00 AM08:00

150th Anniversary Celebration

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Event by St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, Tomah

525 Superior Ave, Tomah, WI, United States, Wisconsin 54660

St. Paul Lutheran Church in Tomah, WI is celebrating 150 years of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ in our community.

Anniversary Worship at 8:00 and 10:30 am
Guest Preacher: Pastor Hernandez Daylo, Jr
Guest Musician: Mr. David Porth

Brunch at 9:15 am
Celebration Meal at 11:45 am

Fun for kids - we'll have a bounce house and other inflatables, water wars, and an outdoor picnic. Come join the fun!

Click this link to RSVP for the celebration meal: https://forms.gle/hjE1XecvxtUZBCuGA

If you are interested in singing in an alumni choir, please contact the alumni choir director, Lisa Giertych.

Check this page often for updates and more information! Contact the church office with questions.

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Week in the Word
to Jul 24

Week in the Word

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Gather with us for this opportunity to grow spiritually. We’ll begin with a meal (starting at 5:30) and then sessions of adult and youth Bible study will go from 6-7pm. Pastor Van Kampen will lead the adult study under the theme: Seek First the Kingdom - See the Big Picture, Realize There is a Plan, and Stay Properly Motivated. Volunteers are invited to serve an easy meal and to lead the youth Bible Study. Please contact Pastor Van Kampen with questions or to volunteer.

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Church Directory Photo Sign Up
to May 30

Church Directory Photo Sign Up

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are looking to do a new picture directory this year

to celebrate our 150th Anniversary

and help everyone become more familiar with one another.

If you missed the initial sign up, more times have been added May 29 and 30.

Follow the QR code to sign your family up to be professionally photographed. Sign up as soon as possible to get your first choice of dates and times.

Call the church office if you need assistance to sign up.


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150th Anniversary Service with TLCO
8:00 AM08:00

150th Anniversary Service with TLCO

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join St. Paul members as we celebrate our 150th anniversary with the second of four anniversary services. Pastor Mark Rieke, who grew up in St. Paul’s congregation, will be the guest preacher. The Lutheran Cieli Orchestra (tlco) will provide music. Service times are 8:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. There will also be a mini concert with a Celtic flair and fellowship between services.

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